
Chairman: Joe Assalone

Board Liaison: Robin Norcross

Communications Committee Liaison: Karen Walko

Purpose: The Finance committee meets quarterly to review expenses and compare them to current budget appropriations. In addition, the Finance committee develops and prepares the budget for future fiscal years while working closely with the Board financial liaison and other Board members. The Board makes all final approvals with regards to expenditures and the final budget submission to the residents. The Finance Committee merely serves to assist and make recommendations to the Board in financial matters pertaining to the HOA of the Village Grande at Camelot.

The goals/duties of the committee are as follows:

  • Review all invoices for payments and submit written recommendations to the BOT
  • Advise the BOT on short-term and long-term investments of HOA funds along with appropriate documentation
  • Review insurance policies and coverage
  • Assist the BOT in selecting an independent CPA to prepare an annual audit with tax filings
  • Assist the BOT with the preparation of the Annual Budget in accordance with governing documents
  • Audit expenses and contracts as requested by the BOT

Click here for the Finance Committee charter


Joe Moan
Joe Federico
Jim Morris

Joe Assalone

Peter Alexander

John Jablonowski

Jim Gabster

Bruno Basile

Joe DeAngelis

Guy Tassi